Sports Gazette

The sports magazine brought to you by the next generation of sport writers

Women’s T20 World Cup Gets Underway

February 21, 2020
Reigning Champions Australia are looking to defend their crown on home soil

Today saw the first match in the 2020 Women’s T20 World Cup.

Hosts and favourites Australia took on India with the Indians coming out surprise winners. 

Surprise winners to most anyway, but not Pranav Shahaney, who not only predicted the win but also expects an Indian victory come the final on 8 March.

Pranav joined Alex Bartlett, Kiran Tom Sajan, special guest Daniel Gallan and I on our first ‘I Don’t Like Cricket’ podcast. 

Take a listen and see who the rest of the panel predicts will win the tournament, some names to look out for and the expert musings of Daniel on South African women’s cricket.



  • Thomas Clark

    Thomas has been obsessively involved with sport his whole life, whether that be playing, watching or writing about it, sport has always played a huge role in his life. Thomas has lived on four continents and has taken his love of sport with him wherever he has been, his travels have taken him to over 50 countries and counting. He has attended three football World Cups and three European Championships, two Olympic Games, and countless other sporting events. Thomas is currently studying for his MA in Sports Journalism at St Mary's University and is the 2019-2020 Editor of the Sports Gazette.